The mission and purpose of Family Christian Academy’s centered Homeschool Program is to come alongside parents who have chosen to educate their children at home. We desire to foster an individual’s relationship with Christ and others and offer connections for homeschool families to become part of the FCA family. We will assist parents by:
● Providing opportunities to participate in our athletic program including; football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, softball, baseball, and/or cross country.
● Providing opportunities to participate in our fine arts programs; art, band, and drama.
● Providing additional opportunities for our other electives; cadets (grades 7-12), life skills (grades 6-8), and strength and conditioning (grades 9-12).
Registration with Family Christian Academy Homeschool Umbrella allows students the opportunity to be part of our school community through involvement in sports, fine arts opportunities, and cadets program, along with electives such as life skills and strength and conditioning. We also offer the option to keep records, maintain a transcript for completed elective classes, and supply textbooks for each grade level, upon request. Additional fees apply.
Enrollment Process
1. Complete the Homeschool Umbrella Program Application and pay a non-refundable $50 application fee.
2. Share a Student Reference Form with your 2 selected references (we recommend 1 of the references be a pastor in your church) and a Family Christian Academy staff member will contact you to let you know whether or not you have been approved to move onto the next step in the process.
3. Complete the Statement of Faith, found under Forms. This form is required for all students before joining our athletic teams or our elective classes.
4. Participate in a Family Interview with FCA staff. Parents and students are required to attend. The family interview will be scheduled via email once items 1-3 have been submitted and completed.
5. Once approved, complete a Registration Form, include a $100 registration fee to secure your child's spot, and complete/submit the required documents: Hold Harmless Agreement/Release of Liability Form, Current Physical Evaluation, and Athletic Handbook Agreement (for sports only).
6. Select and pay the fee(s) for each sport/elective your child is joining for this school year.
● Participation in school athletic programs.
○ Must meet all school academic eligibility requirements. (Athletic Handbook)
○ Must have a current sports physical evaluation and meet all school and league requirements to participate.
○ Athletic fees (additional) are required and vary by grade level.
● Participation in our fine arts programs; art, band, and drama.
● Participation in our cadets program (available to 7 and 8th grade only)
● Additional elective; life skills
● Participation in school athletic programs.
○ Must meet all school academic eligibility requirements. (Athletic Handbook)
○ Must have a current sports physical evaluation and meet all school and league requirements to participate.
○ Athletic fees (additional) are required and vary by grade level.
● Participation in our fine arts programs; art, band, and drama.
● Participation in our cadets program
● Additional elective; strength and conditioning
● Homeschool students are ineligible for class ranking and to be selected as valedictorian or
● Homeschool students are ineligible for National Honor Society
● Homeschool students are ineligible for the FCA Senior scholarship awards.
● While on campus students are required to comply with all school policies and procedures.
● Students must wear the FCA uniform when attending on campus classes. (Khaki or black
pants/shorts, royal blue, navy or grey polo.)
● Students must arrive 10 minutes prior to scheduled class and depart 10 minutes after
completion of the class.
● On campus classes are considered “audit basis” with a grade report provided to the parent.
● Applicants are not eligible for tuition assistance through the FACTS program.
Application Fee: $50 per student- non-refundable
Registration Fee: Once approved, $100 registration fee per student to secure their spot Middle/High School Fees
● Athletics
○ Middle and High school fees - $175 one-time fee for the school year
○ Additional cost may occur if the teams want to get spirit shirts or warm up clothes
○ The 3 following forms must be printed, completed, and submitted prior to participating
in school sports;
■ Statement of Faith
■ Athletics Hold Harmless Agreement / Release of Liability Form
■ Current Physical Evaluation (must be within 12 months)
■ Signed Athletic Handbook Agreement (last page of Athletic Handbook)
● Electives- Art, Band, Cadets, ASL (American Sign Language), Life Skills (MS only), Entrepreneurship (HS only), and Strength and Conditioning (HS only)
○ $1,200 per class, per year
○ Only 1 class can be taken at a time, 1 per each school year
○ Students will be required to bring basic supplies for each of the classes (upper school supply list will be provided the first week of school)
○ The following forms must be submitted prior to participating in FCA electives;
■ Statement of Faith
■ Electives Hold Harmless Agreement / Release of Liability Form
■ Current Physical Evaluation (must be within 12 months)